How to Clean Your Hot Tub Cover

If you have a hot tub, then the likelihood is it’s the place you head to after a stressful day to relax. If that’s the case, then the last thing that you want is to find your hot tub is unusable due to debris and dirt.

The simplest way to avoid this issue is to invest in a quality hot tub cover and keep this well maintained.

Having a clean hot tub cover will help to keep debris out of the water so that you can use it whenever you fancy without having to spend ages fishing out leaves and re-treating the water.

As well as this, using a clean cover will help to increase the lifespan of your hot tub, as good maintenance is essential to its function.

Here we share how to keep your hot tub cover clean.

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Why Does a Hot Tub Cover Need Cleaning?

As a hot tub cover is used to reduce the amount of maintenance needed for the tub, you’d be forgiven for thinking that you could just pop it on and leave it. However, there are many reasons a hot tub cover needs to be cleaned.

Luckily, cleaning a hot tub cover takes far less time than dealing with a hot tub full of debris, so it’s well worth keeping on top of cover cleaning.

Reasons to clean a hot tub cover:

  • - General wear and tear.
  • - Damage from chemicals used in the hot tub.
  • - Growth of mould from being exposed to water.
  • - Weather damage.

When Should You Clean Your Hot Tub Cover?

Regular maintenance is essential for hot tubs, so you should be looking to clean your hot tub cover between every one-to-three months.

How to Clean a Hot Tub Cover

  1. 1. Remove the cover and lay it out flat on a smooth area, with the side that was facing the hot tub water facing upwards.
  2. 2. Using a hose, spray the cover to remove any hot tub chemicals that may have come into contact with the cover. Leave to dry.
  3. 3. When the cover has dried, turn it over and hose away any debris that was on the other side, such as leaves or grass.
  4. 4. Spray the top of the hot tub cover with a vinyl cleaner or use a mild mixture of vinegar and water to clean it using a soft-bristled brush or a cloth. Do not use bleach, household cleaners or alcohol to clean the hot tub cover, as this can cause damage, such as removing the UV protectant that may coat the cover.
  5. 5. Once the dirt has been scrubbed away, rinse off the cover again with a hose to ensure that all of the cleanser has been removed.
  6. 6. Wipe the cover with a microfibre cloth or towel and leave the cover to air dry.
  7. 7. Check the cover for damage, such as rips, tears or cracks and repair as needed. Any cracks can cause the cover to soak in moisture and develop bacteria problems.
  8. 8. Spray a UV vinyl protection spray on the hot tub cover. This should be done once every three months. It helps to prevent the sun from causing damage, such as drying or cracking.
  9. 9. Once the protection spray is dry, the cover can be reattached to the hot tub.

Keeping your hot tub cover clean is just one part of good hot tub maintenance. Here at 1st Direct Pools, we have a wide range of chemicals available for the maintenance of both hot tubs and swimming pools, including chlorine tablets.

If you need more guidance with maintaining your hot tub, then feel free to get in touch with our expert team who will be happy to help!